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The Giving Nest 

Goals, Skills, and Objectives

Wise Owls

Kindergarten (North Plainfield and Pluckemin Locations)




  • Works and plays cooperatively and independently with other children and forms lasting friendships.

  • Shows self-confidence (in taking risks)

  • Assumes responsibility for personal belongings.

  • Dresses self independently (zipping, tying, fastening)

  • Observes school rules and practices good manners.

  • Adapts to change easily.

  • Works in large and small groups independently for 30 to 40 minutes


  • Hears rhyming words.

  • Recognizes upper and lowercase letters.

  • Matches letter sounds to the letters.

  • Picks out handy (sight) words.

  • Shows interest in books and poems.

  • Shows interest in large group story time.

  • Understands left-right, top-bottom, and beginning-end.

  • Attempts reading by attending to print.

  • Uses contextual clues to make meaningful predictions.

  • Participates in shared reading experiences.

  • Please Note:  The kindergarten classes work 30 minutes a day in reading groups and 3 times a week in Reading Workshop.





  • Identifies shapes.

  • Knows order of numbers by rote.

  • Recognizes single & double digits numbers.

  • Can associate sets of objects with the correct numeral.

  • Counts objects accurately.

  • Sorts and classifies by likenesses and differences. Recognizes/creates patterns with a variety of symbols/materials.

  • Interprets simple graphs.

  • Uses ruler correctly.

  • Tells time by hour and half-hour.

  • Recognizes penny, nickel, dime, quarter and recognize value of coins and make exchanges.

  • Solves number problems with and without aides.

  • Counts by fives.

  • Counts by tens.

  • Counts to 100.

  • Forms numbers correctly to 20.

  • Each month the kindergarten class has a science theme.  Throughout the month the children will do experiments, dress as a scientist, visit “Scientific Learning Centers” and record their findings. 

  • Write first and last name in upper and lowercase letters.

  • Form letters correctly.

  • Form numbers correctly.

  • Handedness is established.

  • Draw recognizable features.

  • Can cut, trace, color and paste.

  • Can use drawings for writing.

  • Use letters or letter-like signs.

  • Use correct letters for sounds.

  • Can thread a needle and do a simple up and down stitch.

  • Can weave a more difficult project.

  • Can lace, button, zip and snap.

  • Tie laces on shoes.



  • Gallop, skip, and pump on a swing.

  • Kicks a ball to a goal.

  • Throws and catches a ball overhand and underhand.

  • Walk forward and backward on a balance beam without stepping off.

  • Can turn around on a balance beam without stepping off.

  • Walk a on balance beam heel-to-toe without stepping off.

  • Balance on one foot for ten seconds.

  • Jump on both feet.


  • Communicates ideas orally.

  • Speaks clearly and in complete sentences.

  • Stays on topic.

  • Tells a story or event in sequence.

  • Participates in large and small group discussion and asks questions related to topic.

  • Can sit and listen to a story, to the teacher, and/or classmate for

  • 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Uses drawings for writing.

  • Is beginning to use resources available to spell out words.

  • Picks out and uses sight “handy” words.

  • Maintains focused attention during spoken and written word.

  • Understands past, present, future and uses correct verb form.



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